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CPVW Multi fuel stove by Charlton & Jenrick
Showroom only
• Heavy-duty stainless steel operating tool and stand for ease of use and attractive appearance
• High-quality cast iron top plate, top blanking plate for rear flue connections and base unit (pre-fitted) with adjustable feet for levelling, providing flexibility when installing the stove
• 3.8-8kW operating range
• Reduced clearances to combustibles using the included heat shield and twin firebox construction
• Optional external air kit for direct connection to the outside
• High-quality ceramic firebox liners that are self-cleaning, hardwearing and very attractive
• DEFRA exemption for burning wood logs in smokeless zones
• Full multi-fuel capacity as standard, so no kits or adaptors needed for burning smokeless fuels
• Innovative active baffle system for flexibility and ease of use.